Can Avocado Help You Lose Weight?

Technically a fruit, avocados are a nutrient-dense food that can help you lose weight. It is also a good source of heart healthy fats and fiber, both of which help you feel more full after a meal. This is because fat and fiber causes the slow release of food from your stomach. This lower transit time, means it takes longer to digest and keeps you satisfied for longer periods.⁠

Beyond weight loss, avocados are high in heart healthy fats, and can lower your risk of developing heart disease by decreasing inflammation in the body. Regular consumption of avocados can lead to improved blood sugar control, increased insulin sensitivity, and reducing levels of the bad cholesterol- LDL.⁠

Eating the right kinds and combinations of food will not only nourish your body, but will allow you to lose weight in a healthy way. I teach my clients how to choose meals that support their health and enhance their well being. ⁠

If you are confused about the kinds of food to eat to achieve healthy weight loss, and are struggling with creating a healthy balance with your food choices, let’s chat. Apply to work with me.

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