Why Planning Your Meal Is Important?

You overate over the holiday weekend. Now what?⁠

First of all, do not freak out. These things happen. You’re more likely to eat more than your norm when you’re around company, and during celebrations, especially if alcohol is involved. Just because you overate, does not mean you need to punish yourself going forward.⁠

It is important that instead of feeling guilt, you take time to understand your triggers so that you can become more in control if a similar situation should present itself in the future. When you take the time to reflect on what triggers you to overeat, you can develop a greater understanding on why you engage in this behavior.⁠

Could it be that you have been restricting yourself from eating certain foods, and suddenly finding yourself in an environment where that food was present it was hard to resist?⁠

Did you feel that you had to earn your calories so you starved all day, and therefore ended up binging at night?⁠

Was alcohol involved? Alcohol increases the likelihood of overeating by disrupting your ability to monitor your body’s signals. Research suggests that even moderate consumption of alcohol can trigger an increase in your appetite and food intake.⁠

Once you’ve gotten a clear understanding of your triggers, Do not starve yourself moving forward to rectify your behavior because this isn’t sustainable, can disrupt your hormones, and lead to a binge.

Instead, you should plan your next meals in advance. When you have a plan for what to eat and when to eat, you’re able to keep hunger at bay and are less likely to overeat.

Get back on track by keeping your weight loss and health goals in mind. Staying attentive to your goals, serves as motivation to press forward.⁠

Looking for a sustainable way of eating that allows you to lose weight and nourish your body for optimal health? I’ll show you how. Apply for nutrition coaching.⁠

Make a Nutritious Salad In Less Than 10 Minutes

This delicious, nutrient dense salad took less than 10 minutes to make. ⁠

This salad was made up of: broccoli, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, tomatoes, red onions, bell peppers, avocado, tomatoes and grilled artichokes. This was tossed together with pink Himalayan sea salt and a garlic vinaigrette. It’s a plant based meal and vegan option which can be eaten as a main or a side dish. You can add an animal protein of your choice on the side if you wish. ⁠

I teach my clients how to eat nutrient dense, fiber packed meals that are satisfying, and health supportive. Eating fiber rich food translates into:⁠

1) Improved blood sugar levels⁠
2) Reduced cholesterol and triglycerides ⁠
3) Promoting healthy weight loss⁠

With my nutrition coaching program my clients have access to recipes that are yummy, satisfying, and don’t take hours to make. This frees up their time so they can focus on other things that matter. The beauty of it is: They are not counting calories or macros, but are still shedding pounds in a healthy way. ⁠

If you’ve been struggling to lose weight and are confused about the kinds of food to eat to support your health, I can help! Book your spot for my nutrition coaching program where I craft a customized meal plan for you that allows you to lose weight and keep it off in a healthy way.⁠

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