Eating Your Greens Can Protect You

Greens are rich in fiber, vitamins and nutrients. Eating a healthy portion of greens every day can protect you from developing diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

Research has shown that greens can slow down the aging process by delaying the shortening of telomeres, the protective caps on our DNA that shorten with age.⁠ They are nutrient dense and low in calories, which aid in weight loss. Leafy greens are also a good source of calcium for bone health. ⁠They are rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, the disease-fighting compounds found in plant foods.⁠⁠

Eating a serving of leafy greens with every meal can support normal blood glucose levels.⁠ With so many varieties of greens to choose from, it’s easy to add them to your plate. ⁠If you’re finding it challenging to eat healthy, we can talk through whatever difficulties you’re experiencing and develop options specifically for you. ⁠

As a nutrition coach, I create custom meal plans for my clients and guide them through their wellness journey so that they are able to achieve success with weight loss, improved blood sugars and cholesterol levels. Ready to work with a nutrition expert? Apply today to reserve your spot for nutrition coaching.⁠

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